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Martin's Farmstand:  Celeriac and parsnips

We still have a large selection of good food at our stand. Eat up on things like lettuce, celery, peppers etc. There lots of them now, soon they will be gone.
This is the season to be thinking about packing a stash of the storage vegetables away. Potatoes like cool and dark (45-55 degrees), Squash likes warm and dry (45-70 degrees), Onions and garlic like dry and some air circulation (32- 75 degrees) These are all harvested and ready for you now. Next week we will be harvesting red beets, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, celeriac etc for storage. This group gets stored moist and as cold as you can with out freezing. You can pack them into wet sand or sawust to keep the humidity in them or if if you can keep them cold (30s)just plain plastic bags work ok. Should we save some for you?
Does your diet change as the selection of local food changes? Eat lots of what is in season; by the time you are tired of it something else will be coming into season. Daniel

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Locally Grown - Availability for October 22nd, 2013

Hey Local Food Lovers,

Just a reminder to get some good local food this week. I want to emphasize how special breakfast foods are here on Locally Grown. I just had family in town for the weekend and was able to cook up an entirely local food feast with local sausage from Smart Chick Farms, eggs from Ohana (with peppers from Oakcrest cooked in), then corn muffins featuring Sylvan Falls corn meal.

We’ve also been eating the Cinnamon Roll Bread from Keep it Simple. Yum, yum, yum. She also has muffins, and pancake mix. Eating local is an event 3 times a day, so if you’re not yet eating local food breakfast every day give it a try. We also have granola from Habersham Bakers. Leslie’s Garden Dream is offering some brand new breads that look like they’d go great for breakfast or anytime.

That’s it for this week.

Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew

GFM :  Online Market Open

Orders are currently available for placement between Monday and Thursday. p(. Orders can be picked up at the Greeneville Farmers Market, between 10 AM and 11 AM. The Greeneville Farmers Market is located at the Greene County Fairgrounds, under the livestock pavilion. If there is a change in our location during season, we will notify you when we send out the list on Monday.
The Market is now open year round..
From 6 pm Monday, through Thursday at 3 PM customers can place orders on “the Market” page of this website for delivery to the Fair Grounds on Saturday from 10 am to 11 am.. To get notification when the market is open, create your free customer account. When ordering is open, just click on “the Market” and start shopping! See the Q&A section for all the details!
Make Checks out to the Greeneville Farmers Market, or bring Correct Change.
p(. Featured Vendor: Apple Town Bagels
We import bagels and bread from Brooklyn, NY in bulk and pack them for resale at local markets. The founders of Apple Town Bagels arrived in Erwin, TN when the home made balloon they used to escape the Peoples Republic of New England crash landed in Rock Creek Park. The wonderful people of Unicoi County granted Kelly and Joyce political asylum and they quickly set up a homestead on an acre of land just outside the city limits. 
One day Kelly had a craving for an onion bagel, so he went shopping. He went to super markets in three counties but alas he had no luck. Being the resourceful fellow that he is, Kelly started calling every bagel shop he could find in the five boroughs of New York City. Three days later a man named JJ agreed to sell him some onion bagels but he had to take a pallet of 45 cases.
Kelly said “Great, I will figure out what to do with the other 44 cases when they arrive!”
Lucky for Kelly he had a neighbor with a little extra freezer space so he would have a place to keep them fresh. A few days later his mom found a little deli downtown they could lease for a few months. The store is now closed but our bagels are still available through outlets like this. The rest as they say is history! I hope you enjoyed this some what true tale.

Thanks for Shopping with us.

GFM :  Physical Market Closes for Season

Winter is coming….brrrrrr! So our Physical Market has closed. We had a great Halloween Bash. Thanks to all who came out.If you were not able to make it, I will be posting pictures on our Face Book Page over the next few days. We had several Kids enter the Costume and Pumpkin Painting Contest this year. Great Vendors, with a variety of things available. Apple Town Bagels did a great job of providing breakfast for both vendors and customers.

Thanks Greeneville for a great season.

BUT IT’S NOT OVER YET !.. That’s right, we are available year round, right here on….

Some of our vendors grow year round in Green Houses Now…and we are encouraging them to make those products available to you the consumer, right here year round. If one of these farmers or artisans happens to be you or your neighbor, friend or relative…have them give me a call, (423) 552-3023 or have them check out this website to get signed up.

You don’t have to have a farm either, you can be a backyard gardener, that just has “xtras” and wants to make a little spending money.

Check out what our vendors do have available for purchase right now.

Thanks for Shopping Local.
J. Shelton

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Market Open for October 23

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

We’re coming into the traditional time of year where growers get together to share what they’ve learned from another season out in the fields, to teach new farmers how to get started, and to have a communal meal made with food supplied by those same growers. If you’re wanting to learn more about sustainable growing in the south, one of my favorite conferences of the year recently opened up for registration. The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group has a long history of education and activism, and their annual conference in January is a can’t miss event. This year, it will be in January 14-17th in Mobile, Alabama. You can learn more about the conference here and then register right here I’ll see you there!

Another great conference is much closer, both in time and space. The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association is a farmer-driven, membership-based non-profit organization that helps people in the Carolinas grow and eat local, organic foods by advocating for fair farm and food policies, building the systems family farms need to thrive, and educating communities about local, organic agriculture. Their conference moves around from year to year, but this year it is being held just up the road in Greeneville, SC, and is well worth the drive. I attended years ago when it was also held in Greenville, and learned quite a lot. It’s since expanded to include many tracks beyond farming, including general gardening, local food business, cooking, and more. It’s being held in just a few weeks, on November 10-12. You can find out more and register here:

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The Athens Farmers Market is open on Saturdays at Bishop Park and Wednesday afternoons downtown at Creature Comforts. You can catch the news on their website. The West Broad Farmers Market is open throughout the week here in Athens, and you can find more information about them here: The Washington-Wilkes Farmer’s Market in Washington is open every Saturday 9-12 behind the Washington Courthouse. The Oconee County farmers market is open Saturday mornings in front of the Oconee County Courthouse. The other area markets I haven’t mentioned have yet to open for the season, so far as I know.

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Plattsburgh Online Ordering:  The market is open until 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Good evening. We have added Parker Maple Products back into the online order system.

Rehoboth Homestead added arugula, lettuce, pac choi, and braising greens from the hoophouse.

We will accept orders through 9 p.m. Tuesday. Pickup either at the Saturday market or at Rehoboth Homestead.

Thank you.

Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

What a weekend we have had here on the farm. I picked 7.5 gallons in peppers. I had no idea that there were that many peppers on the plants.
Eric and I planted 800 garlic cloves and 800 onion sets for next Springs production.
We successfully got the foundation laid, most of the rafters up, and part of the front and back done this weekend on the greenhouse. I can’t thank the folks that came out enough for all of their help. Our family loved having all the kiddos here and being able to share our farm with you.
I love that we are growing our farming family here in Kentucky. You have all made us feel so welcome here, and I can’t thank you enough.
See you at the market on Friday,

DeForest, WI:  Availability for Week of October 19

This week Bauman’s Natural Meats and Pheasants will be listed, but not available. They should be available to order next week so be sure to check out their listings and add some natural meats to your fall menu.
With the cool weather, Rusty Dog Coffee is a great addition to the start of your morning. Be sure to check out their offerings.
Once again Forest Run Farm will have winter squash and pumpkins to add to your order at pickup.

Atlanta Locally Grown:  Available for Saturday October

I hope this finds you all doing well. The fall veggies are starting to fill the table. We still have a few wonderful summer crops to tempt taste buds. Beans, okra and peppers are all looking great while the kale, collards, turnips and mustard are looking even better.
You have two more weeks for hog reservations. We will be taking them to the processor on the 27. The share will be ready for pickup two weeks later. You can place a deposit of 50% down to reserve yours.

Thank you all for all your support. We will see you one Saturday between 9-10 at your selected delivery location, Brookhaven, Piedmknt Greenmarket or Sandy Springs.

Thank you again and please share us with a friend,
Brady Bala
Market Manager

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  'Bits and Bites' October 19, 2014

For Chrome users or plain text users,
you will find this easier to read and be able to see pictures if you go to the Market and choose Weblog …it’s easier on the eyes!

Greetings Lilburn Market Members:

I hope this finds you all well and you enjoyed the wonderful weather this weekend with family and/or friends!

Market Update

Vicky and Steve of Fry Farm are adding to their offerings as the Fall crops come in! This week they have some new Winter Veggies for us. They include: Arugula, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, ‘Black Tuscan’ as well as ‘Red Russian’ Kale, Popcorn and French Breakfast Radishes. Have you every sauteed Radishes? Try it with these and I think you will be totally surprised at how wonderful they are fixed this way! Also the Golden Nugget Squash are quite good and I am enjoying baking them! The Black Lab has been enjoying them too!

I spoke with Doug of Doug’s Garden yesterday and although he does have some items coming in, it is a little slow right now! He hopes to have more items in the next couple of weeks!

Ricky Brown of Back River Farm is also waiting for Winter Veggies to harvest. At present, Ricky is offering: Chocolate Peppers, Flavorburst Bell Peppers, Eggplant and Arugula! Keep an eye out for other items in the next week!

Andrew and his crew at The Veggie Patch have a plethora of Winter Seedlings, (oh, how I miss my garden!) Fow The current harvest include Arugula, Broccoli Crowns, Cucumbers, 4 varieties of Eggplant, 3 types of Kale, 2 Lettuces, Napa Cabbage, Okra, Sweet Bell Peppers and many types of Hot Peppers — from mild to call-the-fire-department-my mouth-is-on-fire HOT!!! They are also offering a Salad Mix, Swiss Chard, Squash, Tatsoi and Mized Cherry Tomatoes. Also, don’t forget to check out their Herb offerings. In addition, they list some Ready to Eat Products…sauces, soups, sure and check them out!

Jeff and Tammy of Peachfield Farm are offering ‘Beefsteak Tomatoes’ this week and Jeff tells me they will have more offerings in the near future. Fried Green Tomatoes have been a staple these last few weeks and they are wonderful. I didn’t see any listed this week; however, the Beefsteaks are flavorful and I love having good tomatoes in October! We will have these until Spring because they are grown hydroponically!

I haven’t checked with Marie of Bakery on Brooks to know if we will have items for sale at Markets this week; however, when I send the Reminder email, I will let you know!

Dabrielle of My Daily Bread has both Blueberry Jam and Pear Preserves on Special this week! Also, Challah is now available in the Market offerings. This bread always looks so ‘picture perfect’ and folks love the texture and taste! Unfortunately since I am gluten free, I have to listen as others RAVE about this great bread!

Because Dabrielle bakes with Organic ingredients, preservatives are never used in any of her products! So, how do you keep them fresh? Take out what you will use Market day and the next day and freeze the remainder. Before using what you then take from the freezer, let it come to room temp – and you are good to go! One trick that I use: I make a foil pouch and put a couple of slices of bread in it (side by side)and pop it in the toaster oven on 250 for about 10 minutes! This warms the bread and it really tastes like it is freshly baked!


Please consider helping Kathy Barnes, your Market Coordinator on pickup day! She works very hard to organize, setup and serve your needs! She could use assistance between 2:00pm and 4:00pm when she is setting up and Market and accepting deliveries from Farmers.
Thanks to Geni Wallace who assists every other week with setup!

Thanks also to Susan Coker and Sue Martinson who are always on hand to help with checkout. Nancy Tuck, Rebecca White and Bruce Wallace assist with breakdown of Market. Of course KEB BARNES is always on hand at the end of Market to help out! You all have my gratitude!

If you are interested in helping out at the Market, please contact Market Volunteer Coordinator, Chance Claar-Pressley. You can email Chance at . We love helpers and Chance loves coordinating this effort for us! Please let her know you intend to help and she will gladly put you on the schedule and notify Maryanne and the Market Coordinators.

…this and that…

Markets orders have always varied slightly from week to week. The last month shows a good week (meeting a minimum of $650) to doubling the minimum the following week, to NOT meeting the minimum. I am at a loss to explain this or plan for the huge fluctuations. Your input is needed and appreciated…

Thank you for taking the time to read this missive!

Please know that we appreciate the support of All Saints Lutheran Church for the use of the great spaces for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Crossfit Market!
Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Hamilton Mill Market!
Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Lilburn Market!

Order now since you are just a click way!

Happy shopping!

Take me to the Lilburn Market
Take me to the Crossfit Market

Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!